
Author Information

Dael Vasquez


Being neither a hegemonic force nor a developing nation, Canada’s classification as a “middle power” requires its cooperation with other state actors as it otherwise lacks the necessary means to care for itself in isolation (Bickerton and Gagnon 2014). For Canada, producing and maintaining a successful international brand is paramount to operating effectively within the ambit of soft power. Delving deeper into Canada’s soft-power strategies, this article analyzes how Canada employs its economic and diplomatic arsenal to develop a reputable brand, using it to influence nations across the world and advance its policy agenda. More specifically, this article assesses the country’s commitment to deliver humanitarian aid and resolve armed conflicts at a diplomatic level through international consortia such as the United Nations Security Council (Lamy et al. 2017). Another area where Canada has earned an admirable reputation in the eyes of the global community is in international public health initiatives (Kirton 2012). Moreover, as an architect of diplomatic lobbying and cultural engineering, Canada has succeeded in capturing the hearts and minds of historic adversaries, for instance, the Russian government and nation (Potter 2009). Lastly, through its perseverance and careful branding, Canada has managed to leverage its way into the hypercompetitive Hollywood cinema scene, broadcasting its national talent for the whole world to see (Tremblay 2004). In light of these accomplishments, made possible by a brand forged through years of consistent action and tangible results, Canada has successfully rendered hard borders pliable.

Note on the Author

Dael Vasquez is a political science student and fellow at York University’s Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies. In September 2021, he moved to the University of Toronto to complete a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-funded project on the political economy of Ecuador and Canada.

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