
Author Information

Jillian Orr


While previous research shows how different people respond differently to situations regarding police use of force on juveniles (Michael Brown, Tamir Rice) this paper delves into what aspect each person has that influences the way individuals feel police officers should respond to a juvenile suspect. I surveyed a group of about 300 people and asked them to give their responses to a vignette in which they were the acting police officer. Then, I analyzed the public opinion results through the lens of authoritarianism and compared them to the variables of age, gender, employment, and education. This study would have benefited from a larger and more diverse sample size and should be a core part for future research studies. Ultimately, this study showed the overall discontent of public opinion with police protocol regarding the use of force on juveniles.

Note on the Author

Jillian Orr graduated with honors with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, a concentration in Victimology, and a minor in Political Science. Her research project was completed in Fall 2018 under the mentorship of Dr. Michael King (Criminal Justice). Jillian plans to open her own non-profit organization focused on helping individuals involved in the criminal justice system through restorative justice processes.

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