In this research project, I explore the process of racialization in media coverage of White-on-Black violent events (both crimes and incidents not recognized by the legal system as crimes) using a critical race theory framework. The past three years have seen a series of killings of and assaults on African American people that have become newsworthy, as they have been seen, often controversially, as unjustified. The controversy has largely broken down on racial and political lines, with minority Americans and the left seeing these incidents as evidence and example of ongoing racial inequality, with whites and the right, in particular right-wing whites, denying that race is a relevant category. By using critical race theory’s understanding of race and racism as active social processes, I trace the assumptions, politics, and social consequences of media coverage across conservative, centrist, and left media outlets. For the purposes of this research, 298 news articles from varying sources were collected and examined.
Recommended Citation
Allen, Megan
Processes of Racialization through Media Depictions of Transracial Violence.
Undergraduate Review, 12, 7-18.
Available at: https://vc.bridgew.edu/undergrad_rev/vol12/iss1/5
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