
Author Information

Chris Haslam


In this study larval skins of dragonflies were collected counted and studied in order to find peaks and patterns of emergence and correlate with environmental factors. One of the most important stages of the life of a dragonfly is the time when it changes from a larval aquatic insect into a flying adult. This stage takes place when the dragonfly emerges out of its skin called the exuvia. Exuvia were collected from two sites at Carver Pond, Bridgewater, Massachusetts to determine differences in species emergence patterns from May 26, 2003 to July 18, 2003 and correlated with environmental conditions. Peak emergence occurred during July 7-11, which also correlated with a distinct rise in water temperature for the study period. Dominant species were Paehydiplax longipennis and Epitheea eynosura. Leueorrhinia intaeta, Leueorrhinia jrigida, Leueorrhinia proxima, Erythemis simplicieol/is, and Doroeordulia lepida also are species found emerging during the study. Different patterns of emergence were found for different species. Most fell into two patterns of spring or summer species.

Note on the Author

Chris Haslam is a senior from Melrose, MA. He hopes to pursue graduate study in Environmental Science and Policy.

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