This article will engage with the possibilities of feminist futures. That there is no monolithic feminism is a good, it at times uncomfortable, fact: positions, actions and knowledge – constantly being contested, questioned, and debated – mean that feminism is alive and well, and always changing in accord with larger social, historical and political changes. However, the ways in which social and political conditions on both local and global levels are impacting on feminism must be addressed. The post-9/11 world is one in which we need to re-think what feminisms have achieved and how the various groups positioned under the term “feminisms” can move forward. Have we arrived at the need for a “fourth” feminism in a so-called era of “terror”? This article will address the challenges future feminism face because of feminist histories: achieving some modest goals; recognizing what new directions past knowledge makes possible; addressing globalization and new technologies; and, assessing the possible impact of 9/11 on feminist futures.
Recommended Citation
Kaplan, E. Ann
"Feminist Futures: Trauma, the Post-9/11 World and a Fourth Feminism?,"
Journal of International Women's Studies: Vol. 4:
2, Article 5.
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