

Gender is a critical tool for studying power dynamics within various organisations. The primary objective of this study is to examine how gender-targeted assault against females has increased in the profession of journalism. Below is a comprehensive picture of the extent of dangerous situations to which many women working in news media of England and Pakistan were subjected to. This research presents the insidious coercion endured by female journalists and considers how these incidents affect their ability to conduct their work on a professional level in the media industries of each country. It is important to note that the objective of this study is not to assess the number of women journalists who experienced these incidents, but rather to gauge the nature and frequency of these types of violations. The research is drawn from feminist theory, specifically, social feminist perspectives comprising discrimination of various levels in workplace with regards to gender. The data is collected using quantitative survey research techniques through purposive sampling utilising the snowball approach. Questionnaires were distributed amongst 50 women journalists from Pakistan and England. This research emphasises the consequences of psychological, verbal, technological, physical and sexual abuse as experienced by female media correspondents. The outcomes highlighted the cumulative proportions of incidents of various forms of violence experienced by these women.
