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As exposed through a variance of media outlets, the United States is often inept in its endorsement of farm animal welfare laws; while incidents depicting the cruel mistreatment of farm animals are plentiful, the federal government enforces only two laws that address the issue directly. The 28 Hour Law and the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, however pure in intent, are severely limited in scope, and according to reports from the USDA, handling violations are frequent yet rarely result in longstanding consequences. Consequently, this research provides a comprehensive overview of the activity within the factory farm industry so that, in placing this within the context of John Kingdon's Multiple Streams theory on public policy, I may determine whether the United States should anticipate a shift in legislation within this policy area. This approach allowed me to examine various components of policy -- such as the determination of a public problem, a viable legislative solution, and evidence of political cohesion -- and conclude that, due to adverse economic effects and resistance toward overbearing governmental regulations, the United States in unlikely to enact comprehensive legislation addressing farm animal welfare in the foreseeable future.


Political Science

Thesis Comittee

Dr. Melinda Tarsi, Thesis Director

Dr. Kevin P. Donnelly, Committee Member

Dr. Inkyoung Kim, Committee Member

Copyright and Permissions

Original document was submitted as an Honors Program requirement. Copyright is held by the author.
