The Graduate Review


Memoir writing is a deeply personal, but cathartic endeavor. It encapsulates a desire to present an authentic, significant story—one that will engage a reader and infiltrate his or her thoughts. A graduate independent study this past Fall (2022), enabled me to flesh out such an expression. I honed in on an important event in my life—one for which I still bear physical and emotional scars. “Cherry Stones & Jagged Cardboard” explores a life-changing car accident, at the age of seven, and a strange realization of the poverty, and thwarted opportunities, into which I had been born.

Note on the Author

Karen is pursuing her second master’s degree under the guidance of Dr. Elizabeth Bidinger of the English Department at Worcester State University. Karen refers to herself as the eternal student as she has earned a bachelor’s in liberal studies from Assumption University, a master’s in education from Clark University, an education specialist’s degree in curriculum and instruction from UMass, Lowell, and hopes to complete this master’s degree, in English, in fall 2023.
