"Fighting Opioid Addiction in the United States" by Jeremiah Elsinger and Jessica Rentsch
The Graduate Review

Note on the Author

Jeremiah Elsinger is entering the final year of his master’s degree in social work from Bridgewater State University. He is an army veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003. With a deep sense of commitment to his military brothers and sisters, he will continue serving veterans after graduation and will pursue a full independent license as a clinical social worker (LICSW). This research was completed in the fall 2018 under the mentorship of Dr. Kathleen Bailey.

Jessica Rentsch is pursuing her Master of Social Work, graduating in the spring 2019. This research was completed in the fall 2018 under the mentorship of Dr. Kathleen Bailey. Jessica plans to pursue a career as a school social worker, working with young people who have complex trauma histories and to interrupt the school-to-prison pipeline.

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Articles published in The Graduate Review are the property of the individual contributors and may not be reprinted, reformatted, repurposed or duplicated, without the contributor’s consent.
