
Author Information

Nicholas Campaniello


The liner shipping industry moves products around the world. There are thousands of container ships circling the globe at all times, making the global economy possible. Liner shipping companies ship anything that can fit into a cargo container. The standard containers measure 20 feet in length by 8 feet in width or 40 feet in length by 8 feet in width. According to Alphaliner (2015), there are at least 100 linear shipping companies in the world. This study will evaluate the efficiency of different-sized liner shipping companies using Data Envelopment Analysis: it will consider operational aspects and will only include revenue as a financial output. The study predicts that companies with the best fleet utilization will have the highest efficiency scores even when their overall revenue may be less than other companies.

Note on the Author

Nicholas Campaniello is a graduating senior majoring in Management with a concentration in Operations Management. His research project was completed in fall 2016 under the mentorship of Dr. Xiangrong Liu (Management). Nicholas presented this paper at the 2016 Mid-Year Symposium.

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