
Author Information

Megan Corcoran


The purpose of this research was to see how gender was represented in different sports and media outlets during the Rio 2016 Olympics. Gender is a major component of social identity in our society and looking at how it is presented in sports coverage can show us whether and how females are making their mark in a once male-dominated realm. I performed a content analysis on articles written during the 2016 Olympics, coding each to see how the articles represented the athletes covered. This study shows varying results that both reinforce and push gender boundaries. Furthermore, one can see progress within the sporting world but also see strict gendered guidelines that get reproduced within articles written about the athletes.

Note on the Author

Megan Corcoran is a graduating senior majoring in Sociology, with a concentration in Global Studies and Social Justice. Her research project was completed in the Fall Semester of 2016 under the mentorship of Dr. Norma Anderson (Sociology). Megan presented this paper at the Mid-Year Symposium in 2016 at Bridgewater State University.

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