

The discipline of International Relations has been a science for almost a century and has undergone considerable development and dynamism as a field of knowledge. In the aftermath of the First World War, traditional idealistic trends prevailed. Still, after the end of the Second World War, the theory of realism dominated the analysis of international relations, international politics, and its laws and mechanisms. With the inter-paradigm debate of the 1980s, a broad spectrum of theories of international relations emerged, the most significant of which are critical theories including feminism. Feminist theory has since become central to the debates about global phenomena among those who work in International Relations as a field. The paper attempts to explore whether feminist theory has been able to provide a model for the analysis and interpretation of global phenomena allowing it to occupy a place among the theories of International Relations.

Author Biography

Inass Abdulsada Ali is an assistant professor of International Studies at the University of Baghdad’s College of Political Science in the Department of International Studies, Baghdad, Iraq. She has a PhD. in International Studies from the University of Baghdad, College of Political Science. Her research interests include International Relations, world politics, conflict and peace studies, theories of International Relations, and feminism. She has participated in many summer schools and courses, for instance, Protecting Human Rights through the United Nations Mechanisms, and Gender Studies Course, SOAS\University of London, 2010. She previously worked as a trainer of electoral staff and as a manager of Sub-Centre in the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC). Email: inass3a@copolicy.uobaghdad.edu.iq, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6840-1500
