


Document Type



Norwell High School, Norwell, Massachusetts


Michael Murray


Peter Merzbacher, Michelle Macheras, Chris Riihimaki, Dan Greene, Devan Dolabany, & Marissa Dalferro


Six freshman students from Norwell High School examined the Third Herring Brook Watershed during the spring of 2004. The students were split into three groups, each group taking a different topic. One set studied Nitrate and Phosphorus levels, another studied temperature, pH and physical characteristics of the watershed, while the third performed Fecal coliform tests. All levels were determined to be acceptable, although there is evidence that the contamination levels between site 1 (upstream) and site 2 (downstream) increase, possibly due to the stream passing by athletic fields, high school sewage treatment and a commercial use property.

Samples were sent to the watershed access lab at Bridgewater State College for nitrate testing and reactive phosphorus testing on the Lachat flow injection analyzer. Students performed their own fecal coliform tests with borrowed equipment from the lab. Temperature and pH readings were taken using recently acquired PASCO equipment and students in the project studied physical characteristics of the watershed using topographic maps available on the web.

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