Oral History Interview with Anthony Branco
Streaming Media
Shawna Sullivan
Interview/Donation Date
Branch of Service
U.S. Navy; U.S. Air Force
Served In
Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom
Dates of Service
September 1987-January 2015
Anthony Branco – US Navy 1987-1990. Air force Iraqi Freedom. Ship USS Kansas City (AOR -3), DET 210, US Air Force 85th Aerial port Squadron (APS) & 58th APS. Locations of service: Oakland Naval supply center, CA; Newport RI; Hanscom AFB, MA; Westover AFB, MA. Noriega invasion Panama.
Copyright and Permission
Each participant in the Veterans History Project has signed a release form allowing Maxwell Library to use these materials. In accordance with the Library of Congress, VHP participants (both interviewees and interviewers) retain the copyright to their materials; therefore, permission will need to be obtained before using the interview in exhibition or publication. For additional information about using the VHP collections, please visit http://www.loc.gov/vets/researchinfo.html
Recommended Citation
Branco, Anthony, "Oral History Interview with Anthony Branco" (2014). Veterans History Project Personal Narratives. 31.