Volume 5 (2009)
Entire Issue
Front Matter
Letter from the Editor
Stacy Nistendirk
Faculty Advisor's Note
Laura McAlinden
Adrian Tinsley Program Grants (ATP)
Moral Lessons for Muggles: Aristotelian Virtue and Friendship in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series
Laurie Delaney
Solar and Topographical Breeding Habitat Preferences of Two Damselflies Calopteryx aequabilis and Calopteryx maculata
Christopher St. Andre
Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Implementation and Utilization of EMDR as a Treatment for Trauma
Kelly Medeiros
Singing the Moly Blues: The Direct Use of Molybdenum Clusters as a Precursor to the Development of Molybdenum Blue Glazes
Margaret Fiedler
National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)
Exploring the Nature of Anti-Federalist Thought: Republicanism and Liberalism in the Political Thought of Cato
Christopher Hallenbrook
Modeling Weak Gravitational Lensing Through C++
Christopher Cepero
An Optical Scalar Approach to Weak Gravitation Lensing
Louis Bianchini
Painting the Words: Language and Literature in the Visual Arts
Stephanie Lawrence
Peacemaking Criminology
Joseph Moloney
Reconsidering the Mind/Body Distinction: Towards a Continuist Ontology of Consciousness
Michael Robillard
“Tear Down this Wall”: How President Reagan ‘Framed’ the Soviet Union at Brandenburg Gate
Phillip Kostka
White People
Kathryn LeClair
The Waiting Room
Sharon Halter
The Dehumanization of Prisoners in Brendan Behan’s The Quare Fellow
Zachariah Milauskas
Pioneering the Personal Robotics Industry
Russell Nickerson
The Spanish Tragedy and the Supernatural: Exploring the Coexistence of Patriotic and Subversive Interpretations in The Spanish Tragedy
Michelle Mercure
Our World Flipped Upside Down
Julie Blanchette
1st and 2nd Year Work
Bridgewater “Comments” on 80 Years of Men’s and Women’s Sports
Alicia Charpentier, Brian Hickey, Jaryd Cutting, Laura Donahue, Erika Dyer, Shannon Piatelli, Stephanie Burns, Lillianne Frye, Allison Haggerty, Sarah Blick, Courtney Gramstorff, Jared Mullane, Joey Saster, Joshua Rodrisuo, Kara Foley, Jenna Picton, Courtney Ryan, and Nicole Affannato
Shea Scholar Program

- Managing Editor
- Stacy Nistendirk