Listed below are documents and relevant studies about the Taunton River Watershed and the management issues faced in the rivershed.
Submissions from 2006
Five-Year Watershed Action Plan for the Taunton River Watershed, GeoSyntec Consultants
Submissions from 2005
Draft Pathogen TMDL for the Taunton River Watershed, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, USEPA New England Region 1, and ENSR International
Taunton River Stewardship Plan: Taunton River Wild & Scenic River Study, Taunton Wild & Scenic River Study Committee, National Park Service, Northeast Region
Submissions from 2004
Technical Memorandum: Taunton River Assessment, Massachusetts Riverways Program
Submissions from 2001
Taunton River Watershed 2001 Water Quality Assessment Report, Alice M. Rojko, Stella D. Tamul, and Laurie E. Kennedy
Submissions from 1998
Focus Areas along the Taunton River: Natural Resources Inventory and Conservation Plan, Wildlands Trust of Southeastern Massachusetts
Submissions from 1992
An Action Plan for the Taunton River Watershed: Assessment and Recommendations, Alan Desbonnet, Diane Lazinsky, Sue Codi, Carol Baisden, and Lauren Cleary