
British Poetry, 1603-1660: Final Proofs

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2005

Project Description/Abstract

This 2005 CART summer Grant would suppoert examing and correcting the final page proofs for British Poetry, 1603-1660. A Norton Critical Edition. In its completed state, this volumne will be over a thousand pages and include more than six hundred poems by nearly thirty poets. Given the size of this volume, the complicated textual status of the poetry it includes, and the normal errors introduced when copyedited manuscrips like this one are reset, proofeing the galleys will be a difficult and time-consuming process. As it is a teaching text that will be widely used, the final text needs to be as flawless as possible. A CART summer Grant would allow me to devote Summer Session One to this final, crucial stage of the project.

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