Streaming Media
Bridgewater State Teachers College Seniors and Faculty, 1940
Length: 01:28
Color, Silent
Bridgewater State Teachers College faculty exit the front entrance of the Administration Building (now known as Boyden Hall) and congregate on the steps of the building. The faculty stand in small groups, talking among themselves. Though the title card reads “Seniors ’40 and Faculty,” students are not easily identified in this clip.
Recommended Citation
Bridgewater State Teachers College, "Bridgewater State Teachers College Seniors and Faculty, 1940" (1940). Multi-media Selections for the Archives. 5.

This excerpt is from a 50-minute 16mm compilation film that was made in the early 1950s. The compilation film consists of both color and black & white segments, most filmed without sound, dating from 1935 to 1950. The BSU Archives and Special Collections has not uncovered any documentation or additional information about the compilation film and who produced it.
Sometime in the mid-1980s a VHS video recording was made of the projected 16mm film in an attempt to archive it, and the original film reel was probably discarded. The VHS recording was transferred to a digital format in 2015.