
Concept-Mapping the Way to TGfU Pedagogy

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The purpose of this presentation is to share how a concept map assignment is used in 1 university games course to assess how preservice teachers (PTs) are growing to understand teaching games for understanding as a pedagogical approach. Concept maps are a unique and graphic means of sharing how a topic is understood. They can be used to organize and represent knowledge of a subject, as well as depict relationships among and between concepts. In this presentation, directions for the assignment will be shared, along with samples of PTs’ concept-mapping products. Based on the concept maps shown, the presenter will engage attendees in a discussion of the PTs’ knowledge structures in relationship to course content. Using concept mapping affords PTs creativity and allows students to express the depth of their learning in relation to their prior knowledge and experiences. This metacognitive process allows students to dig deeper and explore and question what they know. In addition, sharing the maps with their peers allows them to see multiple representations and interpretations of the content, while broadening their view of the information that they may not access otherwise. Concept-mapping tools allow the professor to see strengths, weaknesses, and misconceptions in knowledge structures. Concept mapping can be a valuable tool for PT education to assess and support PTs’ learning.

Original Citation

Sheehy, D. (2016). Concept-Mapping the Way to TGfU Pedagogy. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87(Sup1), S61. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701367.2016.1200446
