Exhibit Title

Document Type
Promotional Material
16 x 11 cm.
Exhibit Dates
Nov. 9 - Dec. 3, 2015
Kent Rogowski
Wallace L. Anderson Gallery, Bridgewater State University
Kent Rogowski explores the diverse possibilities found within a simple sheet of folded paper. Through the careful observation and lighting of his subject, the artist creates a complex illusion that at first glance harkens to the Modernism of the early 20th Century. This seeming historical trompe l'oeil however is a series of subtle inspections involving texture and the nature of illumination which create a delicate beauty that focus on the materiality of light on a folded paper surface.
Recommended Citation
"Fold: Kent Rogowski" (2015). Bridgewater State University Art Exhibits. Item 82.
Available at https://vc.bridgew.edu/bsu_art_shows/82