
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Pedagogical Tools Targeting Student Engagement in BIOL200/Cell Biology

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2013

Project Description/Abstract

The goal of the sponsored project was to process data from various evaluation instruments applied to assess the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches and tools implemented in BIOL200/Cell Biology. The course is built based on the philosophy that learning is a dynamic process involving reflective self-evaluation, acquisition of new learning tools and continuous content mastering. The collected data provide evidence that: i) the student population of BIOL200/Spring 2012 (n=100; all surveys were administered anonymously) have expanded their knowledge base and gained confidence with the material; ii) students will further benefit from pedagogical tools promoting formulation of specific learning goals and developing adequate plan to meet them, as well as tools promoting higher order knowledge acquisition. A new pedagogical approach connecting Bloom’s taxonomy and course content in the framework of the popular TV game Jeopardy was designed and piloted in the Fall of 2013 in a higher level elective course that builds up on the BIOL 200 content. The design of approach emphasizing the importance of continuous and systematic effort to build extensive scientific knowledge base is currently in the works.

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