
Children's Death by Abuse vs. Neglect: A Comparison of Case, Child, and Family Characteristics

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Summer 2012

Project Description/Abstract

In my proposal for the 2012 CARS Summer Grant, I proposed to examine the potential differences between the child, family, and service characteristics and child welfare worker experiences when a child dies from abuse versus neglect. I stated that the results of this study would yield important information about understanding which children are at risk for what type of maltreatment fatality and helping to support child welfare workers who experience a fatality on their caseloads. Further, that if funded, this research would result in a conference presentation and paper publication.

In order to write this paper, I used data from a study that I conducted in the 2010-2011 academic year, Child Maltreatment Fatalities: Perceptions and Experiences of Child Welfare Professionals. This was an internet study of over 400 child welfare workers from 27 different states. I completed the analyses and write-up of the proposed project, now titled A Comparison of Child Fatalities by Physical Abuse Versus Neglect: Child, Family, Service and Worker Characteristics, in early July and submitted the paper to Journal of Social Service Research. I have also proposed to present this research at the Society for Social Work Research in January 2012.

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