
Calvin Won’t Sit Down! The Daily Behavior Report Card: A Practical Technique to Change Student Behavior and Increase School-Home Communication

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Calvin is a student who will not stay in his seat. He calls out constantly. Calvin does not complete his class work, and his homework is rarely returned. Do you have a student like Calvin? Does he fail to turn in homework, or act disrespectfully toward teachers and peers? Easy to implement, the Daily Behavior Report Card is an empirically based behavioral intervention that can help busy teachers better manage their classroom.

Original Citation

Mires, C.B. & Lee, D.L. (2017). Calvin Won’t Sit Down! The Daily Behavior Report Card: A Practical Technique to Change Student Behavior and Increase School-Home Communication. Beyond Behavior, 26(2), 89-95. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074295617711716
