
Decades of Chaos and Revolution: Showdowns for College Presidents

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Fall 2011

Project Description/Abstract

Decades of Chaos and Revolution: Showdowns for College Presidents examines presidents in the period of 1960-1975 and in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The work includes the bridge decades between 1975 and 2000, thus it is a narrative of the sixty plus year history from the ‘60s to the present. This book portrays presidents of the era of 1960-1975 as providing significant and critical leadership in addressing the tumultuous and tense issues of that time. This was a period in many ways that unprecedented in the history of American higher education. The book is based on original and secondary sources from the two primary eras covered, other research from the decades of the later twentieth century, and previously research that I have conducted on college presidents.

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