

The purpose of the present study was to adapt the 15-item short version of Attitude toward Women Scale (AWS) (Spence & Helmreich, 1978) into Turkish by first doing the translation of its items and then by investigating its preliminary psychometric properties. AWS and Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) were administered to Turkish college students. Factor structures, convergent validity, and internal reliability were investigated across two independent samples. Result revealed satisfactory internal reliability, convergent and construct validity for the 12-item short version in both samples, suggesting that the scale can be used as a reliable instrument in the Turkish culture to assess attitudes towards women.

Author Biography

Raquel Delevi, Ph.D., MFTI, CFLE, is an Assistant Professor at California State University, Los Angeles. Her research focuses on various aspects of relationships including the impact of technology on relationships, interparental conflict, and cross-cultural meaning of romantic relationships.

Aslı Bugay, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Guidance and Psychological Counseling at TED University (Ankara/TURKEY). Her research interests include forgiveness, self-forgiveness, romantic relationships, and rumination.
