

Document Type



"93 percent of Americans indicate that they experience some level of math anxiety” (Blazer). The fear of math is a prevalent issue in today’s society and needs to be addressed. The goal of this project was to create an informative Math Guidebook for Educators of all grade levels and address multiple ways that students interact with math. The first part of the Guidebook, developed over the summer through the Adrian Tinsley Program for Undergraduate Research, focuses on the main topics of math anxiety, dyscalculia, and helpful accessibility tools, researched through an extensive literature review. The second part of the Guidebook was completed during this Spring 2024 semester through an Honors Thesis. This section focuses on math education for students who are blind or deaf, researched through an extensive literature review, onsite observations at schools for students who are blind or deaf, and interviews with math-related faculty at those schools with IRB approval. Ultimately, the Math Guidebook for Educators is intended to spark the conversation about inclusive math education, and the variety of ways that students interact with math


Mathematics, Special Education

Thesis Comittee

Dr. Uma Shama, Thesis Advisor
Dr. Kerri Olore, Thesis Advisor
Dr. J. Edward Carter, Committee Member
Dr. Sheena Rancher, Committee Member
