

Document Type



The first part of this thesis explores the abstract quantum state vector space using Dirac formalism, providing a comprehensive analysis of quantum mechanics’ fundamental concepts. Emphasis is placed on the Dirac notation’s pivotal role in elucidating quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement. Through detailed examinations of quantum states, polarization, and the CHSH inequality, this study not only reinforces the theoretical foundations of quantum information science but also demonstrates its practical applications in quantum information and quantum computing. The discussion delves into the manipulation of qubits and quantum gates, showing the potential of quantum information theory in enhancing computational efficiencies and securing communication. The second part of this thesis focuses on experimental research conducted on photonic integrated circuits (PICs), with a particular interest in the Stimulated Four-Fave Mixing (FWM) process within an integrated microring resonator. The experiments detail the preparation, manipulation, and measurement of light within micro-ring resonators on silicon photonic chips. Key results include the successful generation of idler signals through stimulated FWM, validated by precise spectral measurements. The analysis emphasizes the efficiency and phase matching conditions critical for optimizing the FWM process, shown through the calculation of the parameter η.


Physics, Photonics and Optical Engineering

Thesis Comittee

Dr. Samuel Serna, Thesis Advisor
Dr. Edward Deveney, Committee Member
Dr. Jeff Williams, Committee Member
