
Fluctuating Asymmetry in Calopteryx Maculata: A Stress Indicator for Wetland Streams in Southeastern Mass

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Spring 2005

Project Description/Abstract

Regional development has increased traffic in Southeastern Mass. Increases of 25 to 40% are projected by 2020 (2) impacting the regional landscape and aquatic biodiversity. Increasing traffic at intersections with streams around the perimeter of the Hockomock Swamp may be expanding stress on aquatic biodiversity. Patterns in body asymmetry, known as fluctuating asymmetry of FA, will be documented for the ebony jeweling, Calopteryx maculata, to see how much variation in symmetry exists for populations at major transpiration crossings over streams flowing into and out of the Hockomock Swamp. Increasing FA at perimeters would demonstrate that aquatic communities within wetland reserves are at risk from stressors that can degrade essential habitats for odonates in this region. If increasing road traffic increases FA along perimeter of protected wetland habitats, then this project will provide the data for policy changes to protect wetland species in the Bristol-Plymouth Lowland ecosystem.

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