
Extended One Dimensional Metal Assemblies Supported by Hydrogen-Bonding Networks: A New Approach to the Rational Design of Molecular Wires

Document Type

Grant Proposal

Date Accepted

Spring 2004

Project Description/Abstract

Unsaturated hydrocarbons (those possessing carbon-carbon multiple bonds) can be linked together to form a number of technologically important polymers such as Teflon, PVC, Polystyrene, and Polyethylene. Despite their many similarities with carbon-carbon multiple bonds, metal-metal multiple bonds do not undergo polymerization reactions ubiquitous among unsaturated hydrocarbons. The goal of the proposed research is to develop one-dimensional polymeric materials made up of metal-metal subunits directly linked to one another through metal-metal bonding interactions. Our approach is to synthesize metal-metal bonded complexes that incorporate supporting molecules capable of engaging in hydrogen bonding interactions between metal-metal interactions and act as a scaffold for the formation of linear metal polymers or molecular wires. Completion of the study will provide valuable insight into the electronic factors required for metal-metal bond polymerization and establish a new reactivity paradigm for the metal-metal multiple bond.

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